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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/07/19 in all areas

  1. Well waited over a week for the estimates and one finally materialised .......comes in at over £1000 this is to install a new control panel two keypads and two bell boxes......all wiring in place and re-using existing 8 PIRs and 3 contacts. this is too expensive for me......been told it’s for an Eaton, Scantronic ION system had a quick look and it seems this is a bit OTT for me, especially as trying to do on a budget. 40 Zones ??? i know I have 11 at the moment, but can reduce PIRs to get Down to 5 PIRs and 3 contacts, so an 8 Zone would be suitable. I know I have been told before I can’t chose the alarm system I want, as the installer will have a preference, but the Installer isn’t paying for it I am.....I would not like it if a car salesman could insist on what car I buy, or isn’t this a fair analogy ? so taking aside the installers preference, what’s my best choice to replace the Gardtec 840 wired system, replacing only the control panel 2 keypads and 2 bell boxes ? I would like to be able to configure / tweak the program, at some future time if I needed to. But don’t really need colour LCD etc.....Do I ? need some help please.......I could still go for just paying to remove the smokes, approx £100 I am told, but the alarm exit keypad occasionally displays “system in use” unless I wait 5 seconds after entering the exit code and pressing Exit now.....hasn’t happened once seen I adopted this method, BUT the control panel has a frigged PSU as the original failed......so all is not happy currently.........need to make a decision.....
    1 point
  2. Inductance is measured over a conductors parallel length, this is why you may cross cables perpendicularly but they must have separation/segregation when parallel.
    1 point
  3. Thanks obviously you won’t be able to help me and the reply was a little terse.... but I will find a solution
    -1 points
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