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Urmet 1145/1 Intercom Module


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No idea on the button mate lol, i only use the mobile side of this website, i assumed it was on the main website as i noticed i had some thanks on me profile lol.

Bring back wifey beating imo, lives would be so much simpler then;D

I found a profile feed and left a message there, Reckon a wife beating is in order but she has the rolling pin lol :)

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Just a quick update:-

The telecoms people came today and checked the line from the module to the pabx with a butt phone, which showed no faults on the line. The Samsung system is a digital system and is quite new and does not suffer with drifting frequencys (according to the engineer).

When the engineer rebooted the pabx system, the module worked for half an hour as it should, but then went back to being intermittant.

The paired cables between the module and the pabx were swapped with a spare pair and retested with the butt phone, but the call button was still intermittant.

The paired cables show a voltage of 42v from the pabx to the module, the voltage from the psu is a constant 12.3v the call switch is is functional in itself and I am now at a complete loss as to what it could be!! :unsure:

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From the above i note it worked for thirty minutes after the pabx had been reset. if that was the only thing done then it has to be the pabx. try resetting the pabx again, does it all start working again?

If it does, give the fault back to the pabx engineers

And before you wonder, im not permannetly wired into this site, pure fluke i logged in six mins after you posted lol

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From the above i note it worked for thirty minutes after the pabx had been reset. if that was the only thing done then it has to be the pabx. try resetting the pabx again, does it all start working again?

If it does, give the fault back to the pabx engineers

And before you wonder, im not permannetly wired into this site, pure fluke i logged in six mins after you posted lol

Hi, the pabx was reset about three times during the maintanace visit, but the module only seemed to work after the first pabx reboot, but as I said for just half an hour.

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Only thing i can think of doing now is to try the panel with a different telephone line, preferably a non pabx line. maybe you could run a bit of 3 pair from an outgoing line and test it directly. would need to program in a new telepjone number though. 2 and 5 are the connections you need in a bt socket

sounds to me you got a nasty call for even someone familiar with the gear now, good luck!

To recap on your possible faults:

Psu - unlikely as steady voltage reading if a little low

module - unlikely as 2nd unit with same fault

programming of module- works for 30 mins so not this

cabling- tested by using different pair and butt phone so not this

pabx- resetting made it work once

i know where i think the problem is, but the pabx company say not. if you are still stuck after the above i'd say its time they called in a pro, we have covered everything it could be imo

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Only thing i can think of doing now is to try the panel with a different telephone line, preferably a non pabx line. maybe you could run a bit of 3 pair from an outgoing line and test it directly. would need to program in a new telepjone number though. 2 and 5 are the connections you need in a bt socket

sounds to me you got a nasty call for even someone familiar with the gear now, good luck!

To recap on your possible faults:

Psu - unlikely as steady voltage reading if a little low

module - unlikely as 2nd unit with same fault

programming of module- works for 30 mins so not this

cabling- tested by using different pair and butt phone so not this

pabx- resetting made it work once

i know where i think the problem is, but the pabx company say not. if you are still stuck after the above i'd say its time they called in a pro, we have covered everything it could be imo

Yes I think your right about getting in a pro, I think I've gone as far as I can with this now and your right this was just a favour and it's become a royal pain in the butt !! Time to let the owners deal with it and spend some money me thinks.

Well thanks for all your time and if you pm me your details, I'll pass them on....if you want !!



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